Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Night Out With Ma Parents!

Ok guys and gals tell me, how many of you actually:
  1. Clubbed with your parents before.
  2. Night out drinking with your parents at a bar b4.
Well my parents pulled me and some few of their friends and my cousin to went drink at some bar called 360 at Muar, probably a "Birthday Celebration" or some sort but it was cool. I had a glass of Bailey, a glass of Screwdriver and a glass of Tequila. Didn't drink much. (Don't wanna get drunk in the presence of my parents :b)

Took a few pictures and here we go.

My Tequila with the Salt :b

That's my Mom There (:

Finally My Parents! <3

Well this more or less ends my post for now.
Have a Nice Day!!

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